Take the focus off behaviour and spend time
planning engaging experiences for the children. A lot of the behaviour should
take care of itself. Follow their interests and create new, exciting interests
that they don’t expect.
Put some of the toys away. Toys are more
exciting if they are rotated so that they become new again.
- Suggest to the children that they separate for a few minutes so that they can calm down
and re-focus. They will be less tempted to react to each other’s behaviour.
Allow the children to help you with jobs and
routines so that they feel grown-up and begin to see themselves as having an
important role in the setting. Ask them to help other children.
Have zero tolerance for “silly” or disrespectful behaviour that
goes too far. Turn your attention to the other children until they choose to self-monitor
and stop the behaviour.
Spend as much time as possible outside so that
they can burn off their excess energy and won’t be tempted to do this inside.
Before going outside ask the children what they intend to do there. Help them
prepare the materials they will need. This will decrease the likelihood that
they will engage in unfocussed or rough play.
Make sure experiences are re-set and
attractively presented. Insist that the children are involved in this so that
they learn to respect the effort that you put in to provide these experiences.
Always give children at least one warning before
moving onto the next routine during the day. They can then wrap up their play
and won’t resent the sudden change. I usually give a 10 minute, 5 minute then 2
minute warning and make sure they have heard me and accepted what I've said.
- Have realistic expectations. Don't expect children to participate in group time for longer than 30 minutes. Telling children off for failing to live up to unrealistic expectations is unfair.
Let some of the little things go. It will save
frustration for you and the children.
Give lots of positive attention and
reinforcement when the children are behaving and engaging well. Build trusting
relationships and help them develop more empathy so that they begin to respond
to you and their peers with more consideration and care.
Have a sense of humour. Children love to share a
joke with us. If they feel comfortable and happy they are more likely to be
calm and engaged.